Friday 21 December 2012

December 21 Friday

Today's Friday December 21, and I'm thankful that
- the world didn't end, at least not yet! :)
- time off from work to spend with my little family.
- this season, let's not forget the reason.
- new friends that spur me towards growth.

Sunday 9 December 2012

December 12 Sunday

Long time since last post.  Still always something to be thankful for every stinkin' day!

Today, I'm thankful for
- my in-laws, who are always willing and able to care for their grandkids so mom and dad can have a break.
- sleeping in, I needed it today.
- tomorrow, I'm excited for it, and the next day, and the next!
- a great time with friends tonight, great food, great fellowship!

Friday 9 November 2012

November 9 Friday

Friday!  I'm thankful for
- safety of friends.  It's scary when stuff happens, but reassuring to know Someone bigger is out there.
- Positive mentorship - Darren Hardy, Jim Rohn, Tom Challan, Dani Johnson, thank-you for believing that I should believe in myself.
- a couple days off of work!  :)

Thursday 8 November 2012

November 8 Thursday

It's Thursday and today I'm thankful for
 - as everyday, my loving, supportive, understanding wife.  She stands with me, encourages me, and believes in me.  When I'm grouchy, in a funk, and down right ticked off, she patiently listens, wisely chooses her words, and picks my spirits up off the ground.  If I wasn't going home to her, I may not bother to go home!
 - my brilliant children, that they are healthy! They are growing and learning every day!
 - my God who has blessed us abundantly.
 - our future, it's bright!  Where are the sunglasses?

Monday 5 November 2012

November 5 Monday

I'm so thankful for, so blessed by, my wife, my loving, beautiful, precious wife.  She stands by me, supports me, believes in me.  Just hearing her say "It'll all work out" gives me confidence and belief.  I am stronger because of her.  I don't know where I'd be without her.  I love her!

Tuesday 30 October 2012

October 30 Tuesday

Today I'm thankful for
- my family's safety, protection, a warm, dry house.  Our thoughts and prayers are with those out east.
- that the loss of life is as "low" as it is - it could be much worse.

Saturday 27 October 2012

October 27 Saturday

I'm thankful today for
- a great talk with a good friend, who had some very thought provoking advice.
- connecting for breakfast with other men at church
- most importantly, my wife, who is patient, understanding, supportive, and encouraging.  Thank-you!

Wednesday 24 October 2012

October 24 Wednesday

Today I'm thankful for
- helpful advice from my brother and The Plumber Smith
- my wife putting the little ones to bed so I have some time to myself.
- this great country we live in and all the opportunity before us!

Monday 22 October 2012

October 22 Monday

I'm thankful for
- a beautiful baby in the oven.  I can't wait to meet him or her!
- my wife's continued unselfish support in our family.
- friends who encourage and support.

Saturday 20 October 2012

October 20 Saturday

Lots to be thankful for
- Long week at work, thankful for my wife hanging in there while I was working.
- Everyone here is getting over their nasty colds.
- the beautiful autumn colours - you should have seem them the other day!
- each day is a blessing, always something exciting happening!

Sunday 14 October 2012

October 14 Sunday

Today I was thankful for
- my wife, children, and families safety after hearing of the terrible accident on the highway - my prayers are with their families.

Saturday 13 October 2012

October 13 Saturday

I'm thankful today for
- understanding, support, and encouragement from my wife.
- wisdom from my father.
- joy from my children.

Tuesday 9 October 2012

October 9 Tuesday

The day after Thanksgiving... I'm still thankful!
For turkey sandwiches.
For the absolutely amazingly beautiful fall weather we are having!
For each day being a new challenge.

Monday 8 October 2012

October 8 Monday

Canadian Thanksgiving!

I'm thankful for
- my wife's busting her butt in the kitchen and making turkey!
- a great long weekend.
- tomorrow!

Sunday 7 October 2012

October 7 Sunday

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving, but I'm already today thankful for
- my family's health, we've been so blessed!
- this amazing, beautiful country that we live in!
- all of our freedoms, to pursue life, happiness, and abundance!
- a personal, loving God, and future eternal life because of Jesus!

Friday 5 October 2012

October 5 Friday

Today I'm thankful for
- a fantastic dinner with my wife, and pumpkin spice lattes!
- my dear sister-in-law, who graciously looked after the kids.
- a long weekend!

Thursday 4 October 2012

October 4 Thursday

Aye carumba!  I've dropped the ball big time this week!  Sorry, still so much to be thankful for.
- my hot wife, putting the kids to bed so I can do some work.
- the best kids in the world, hands down.
- the greatest opportunity in the world.
- awesome friends, teachers, mentors.
- health, a home, family.
- Jesus!

Sunday 30 September 2012

September 30 Sunday

Today Sunday I am thankful for
- tomorrow Monday!
- My father-in-law, my great-grandmother, my aunt - all celebrating birthdays - may they celebrate many more!
- the kids are asleep :)

Friday 28 September 2012

September 28 Friday

Today I was thankful for
- the beautiful view over Finlayson Arm
- the smell of rain in the air
- delicious pancakes at dinner!

Thursday 27 September 2012

September 27 Thursday

My thankfulness today included
- unfortunately, the end of the work day.
- a productive evening though!
- the delicious dinner my gorgeous wife made :)

Wednesday 26 September 2012

September 26 Wednesday

Today I'm thankful for
- the encouraging words my wife gave me - that I am becoming a better person.
- the laughs I had with my kids this evening.
- my health - I've been feeling pretty good lately!

Tuesday 25 September 2012

September 25 Tuesday

Sorry, totally missed yesterday.  Today I'm thankful for
- another day to be thankful for
- my incredulous wife, for letting me out this evening
- my amazing friends at By Design - rock stars in the making, I swear
- Timothy Ferriss and the 4 hour work week

Sunday 23 September 2012

September 23 Sunday

Just beat the buzzer.  I'm thankful for
- the upcoming week at work - jobs that I enjoy.
- found "4 hour work week" as an audiobook on the library website.
- my lovely wife and kids.

Saturday 22 September 2012

September 22 Saturday

I'm thankful for
 - my mentors - Tom Challan, Dani Johnson, Jeff Usner, Darren Hardy, Jim Rohn, Anthony Robbins, John C Maxwell
 - the gutters I had to clean today because we are so blessed to live in a beautiful house.

Friday 21 September 2012

September 21 Friday

September 21!  I'm thankful for
 - my youngest brother, a strong young man, one year left till he hits the big 3-oh!
 - my beeeeautiful wife, her love, dedication, and commitment to our family.
 - my parents and the great visit we had.
 - Darren Hardy's "The Compound Effect" - I'm inspired!
 - Next week!

Thursday 20 September 2012

September 20 Thursday

Today I'm thankful for
 - my morning coffee during my commute.
 - Darren Hardy's "The Compound Effect" ebook
 - the smell of my 2 year old son's hair after it's been washed in the tub!

Wednesday 19 September 2012

September 19 Wedndesday

I'm so thankful tonight for
- my own bed to sleep in, I'm tired.
- no one was hurt in the fire down the road.
- tomorrow, back to routine, to work, I'm excited for the coming days!

Tuesday 18 September 2012

September 18 Tuesday

Today, Tuesday, the 18th, I am thankful for
 - the great time our family has had together on vacation
 - incredible work back home that I can't wait to get going on again
 - being so blessed that we are able to take a break, relax, and get refreshed.

Monday 17 September 2012

September 17 Monday

Today is Monday!  I am thankful for
- the perfect weather we're having on vacation.
- our family time.
- the laughs that my little ones provide.
- and their beautiful smiles!

Sunday 16 September 2012

September 16 Sunday

I'm today thankful for time with my parents, my wife, my children.  Thankful for the warm sun, and beautiful sunset.  Thankful for safety in travels.  Thankful for times of reflection.

Saturday 15 September 2012

September 15 - Saturday

Today I'm thanful for...
- a fun day today, all of us cleaning the house.
- my parents safe arrival
- my bed, as boy I'm tired.

Friday 14 September 2012

September 14 Friday

Today's Friday and I'm thankful for
- great tenants who have become friends.
- our unborn baby's beating heart.
- more time with my kids.
- my wife's love.
- sunshine.

Thursday 13 September 2012

September 13 Thursday

Today I am thankful for

1) My kids were asleep in 5 minutes, no crying.
2) The forecast is for sun for the next week!
3) The inspiration I received today from Darren Hardy's book "The Compound Effect".
4) Alllll the hard work my wife tirelessly does.

Wednesday 12 September 2012

September 12 Wednesday

Thx for finding my new blog.  I've been inspired by Darren Hardy's "The Compound Effect".  I will now be making many small changes in the right direction.  Plus, I have so much to be thankful for.  This equals a short, simple, daily blog on what I'm thankful for each today.

Today, as everyday, I'm thankful for the biggest blessing in my life, my wife Julia.  Without her, where am I?

I'm also thankful for
 - my two beautiful kids, whom I love more than life.
 - my little one on the way, I can't wait to meet you!
 - friends whom I haven't talked to in years.  It's great to reconnect.

Simply put.